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Archives for 4-Hour Workweek


Why Tim Ferriss Irks Me and How a Sabbatical is Not a "Mini-Retirement"

Along with a gazillion other people, I am inspired by Tim Ferriss and his book, “The 4-Hour Workweek”. He’s the uber rock star of work-life balance, and he challenges us to rethink how we live and work and escape the 9-5 box.
But - and he himself probably knows this - Tim’s concepts aren’t entirely reality. [...]

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Tim Ferriss and his Mini Retirements

Not that I see Tim Ferriss’ ideas as pie in the sky. I don’t. I liked his book, The 4-Hour Workweek, a whole lot, and I know he’s inspired many, including me.
Blogger Get Rich Slowly recently interviewed Ferriss about his ideas for financing mini retirements, and U.S. News & World Report’s Katy Marquardt wrote about [...]

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